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Mastering the Hmong Tones

For more information, see here

Learning the B, M, S, and blank tones. B is the highest pitch possible.
M is the lowest. S is mid tone. Blank is equivalent to the "Re" musical note.
Click on the words below to hear the audios.
Normal Tone peb niam puas zoo siab lawm ohs
Musical Pitch b m s   b m s
Melody Tone peb niam puas zoo siab lawm ohs
Normal Tone koj puas zoo siab
Normal Tone koj puas nyiam kuv
Whispering   koj puas zoo siab
Whispering   koj puas nyiam kuv
Whistling    koj puas zoo siab
Whistling      koj puas nyiam kuv
The J tone is equivalent to any interjection English words   The V tone (rising pitch). For the English phonics, maintain the pitch, but omit the ending k sounds. The V tone is equivalent to the first syllable of the English word "SEC-tion"
Normal Tone nej muaj noj lawv thov nuv
English phonics nay! moua! naw! lerk talk nook
The G tone (falling pitch) is equivalent to the second syllable of the English word "sec-TION"
Normal Tone neeg dog dig
English phonics neng daw dee

You must memorize the tonal line below
Koj Mus Kuv Niam Neeg Siab zoo Tod
Tonal Line:   koJ     muS     kuV     niaM     neeG     siaB     zoo     toD
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