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Hmong Adjectives
The Hmong adjectives are similar to the English; however, the placement is after the objects/nouns. In addition, the Hmong adjectives can be used as nouns and verbs.
No Hmong English No Hmong English
1 Lub tsev loj. A big house. 5 Lub tsheb liab. A red car.
2 Tus neeg zoo. A good person. 6 Tsob ntoo siab. A tall tree.
3 Kuv loj. I am big. 7 Koj siab dua kuv. You are taller than me.
4 Kuv zoo. I am good. 8 Koj phem. You are bad.
The Hmong wordsEquivalent English
lub, tusclassifiers, however, it is used similar to the English articles a, an, the
lojbig, large
siabtall, high
siab duataller, higher
Tonal Line:   koJ     muS     kuV     niaM     neeG     siaB     zoo     toD
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